Advent at Apostles

The Christian year begins in anticipation. We commonly think of Advent in terms of anticipating Jesus’ birth; yet the true heart of Advent lies in preparing for his second coming. It’s a time to watch, wait, and stay awake (Mark 13). It’s a season in which we take a hard look at the darkness, injustice, and longing of the world and say with the Psalmist, “How long, O Lord?” (Psalm 13). This rubs sorely against the way in which we’re used to spending the weeks leading up to Christmas. It will feel strange and uncomfortable to sit in lament during the early weeks of December, while the fanfare of shopping and Christmas jingles are all around us. It will feel equally strange to insist on continuing to celebrate and feast for twelve days following Christmas Day! But in this way, we follow centuries of Christians before us who knew and embraced the rhythms of sober preparation and patient waiting—rhythms we can offer to a busy and broken world.

Jesse Tree

To help lead us through Advent, we rehearse the big story of God’s redemption by reading through the major characters and events of Scripture and decorating a Jesse Tree. The Jesse Tree is a tradition that helps us visualize God’s story of redemption. Isaiah depicts the family tree of Jesse, the father of King David and his heirs, having become a rotten and hollow stump (Isaiah 11:1). But out of this stump, God brings new life and restores the throne of King David by sending his Son Jesus, born of David’s line. The daily Scripture readings pair with an ornament that is hung each day on the Jesse Tree. The Jesse Tree itself may take any number of forms, such as a felted silhouette or a small evergreen. You may also wish to light a candle as you pray.

Love Elementary Book Drive

This Advent season, Apostles will be blessing Love Elementary with books for their classroom libraries!

Beginning December 1st, you may take a gift tag from the Christmas Tree. These tags will have the author and book name on the back. Please purchase the book and bring it back to church unwrapped with the gift tag inside and place books in bins next to Christmas Tree!

The last Sunday to give books will be December 15th.

Advent Resources

The following GUIDE will be available at the Advent Resource Table before and after worship each Sunday in December.

Advent & Christmas 2024 Schedule

Advent Week One
Sunday December 1 @ 10am // Luke 1:1-4

Advent Week Two
Sunday December 8 @ 10am // Luke 1:5-25 Wednesday December 11 @ 6pm // Apostles Holiday Party

Advent Week Three
Sunday December 15 @ 10am // Luke 1:26-38
Last Sunday For Love Elementary Book Collection

Advent Week Four Sunday December 22 @ 10am // Luke 1:39-56

Christmas Eve
Tuesday December 24 @ 4pm // Childcare provided for 3 and under

Artwork Hidden Life in Nazareth // Ivanka Demchuk // 2021