What we believe about God is the most important thing about us.
— A.W. Tozer

We Believe: Affirming the Apostles’ Creed

We may say we believe in God, but are we clear on WHAT we believe about God? Who is God? What is he like? What does he think of us?

The inherent cynicism, skepticism and doubt has undermined the essential orthdox beliefs of the Christian faith for many Christians. Our modern lack of clarity regarding what we actually believe and why it matters compromises our witness and erodes our faith.  As John Stott writes, “Good conduct arises out of good doctrine. It is only when we have grasped clearly who we are in Christ, that the desire will grow within us to live a life that is worthy of our calling and fitting to our character as God’s new society.” 

In short, what we believe determines how we understand God, others and the world. What we believe matters!

Drawing together the Bible and wisdom of the ancient church, the Apostles’ Creed provides a powerful catechesis for our secular age. What we believe matters, because it determines who we are becoming and how we choose to live.

Summer Sermon Schedule

Worship gatherings available via live stream.
Miss a Sunday? Listen here.

May 30 // I Believe // Matthew 28:16-20

June 6 // In God the Father Almighty // Romans 8:14-17

June 13 // Maker of heaven and earth. // Revelation 4:8-11

June 20 // And in Jesus Christ, his only Son, our Lord. // 1 Corinthians 1:9

June 27 // He was conceived by the Holy Spirit and born of the Virgin Mary. // Luke 1:35

July 4 // He suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, died and was buried; He descended into hell. // 1 Corinthians 1:23

July 11 // On the third day he rose again. // 1 Corinthians 15:3-8

July 18 // He ascended into heaven and is seated at the right hand of the Father. // Acts 1:9-11

July 25 // He will come again to the judge the living and the dead. // Matthew 25:31-32

August 1 // I believe in the Holy Spirit, // John 15:5-7

August 8 // The holy catholic church, the communion of saints, // 1 Peter 2:9

August 15 // The forgiveness of sins, // Acts 13:38-39

August 22 // The resurrection of the body, and the life everlasting. Amen. // 1 Corinthians 5:11-13

Primary Resources

Growing in Christ by J.I. Packer
An excellent guide to how the Apostles’ Creed (as well as the Lord’s Prayer and the Ten Commandments) has helped Christians throughout the history of the church to grow spiritually in Christ. Includes key Bible passages with study guide.
Order here.

The Apostles’ Creed by Matt Chandler
Thoughtful, accessible and biblical study for individual, group or family use. Includes engaging video talks with reflection questions for adults and children. You can use this resource wherever you travel this summer!
Order here.

Additional Resources

The Apostles’ Creed: Discovering Authentic Christianity in an Age of Counterfeits by Al Mohler (2019)
Sound Doctrine by Bobby Jamieson (2013)
Exposition of the Creed by John Pearson (1659)
Thirty-Nine Articles: Their Place and Use Today by J.I. Packer
The Thirty-Nine Articles of Faith (Foundational Statement of Doctrine and Practice in the Anglican Church, 1563 )