Thursday, December 6

2 Corinthians 1:19-22

 “For the Son of God, Jesus Christ, whom we proclaimed among you, Slivanus and Timothy and I, was not Yes and No, but in him it is always Yes. For all the promises of God find their Yes in him. That is why it is through him that we utter our Amen to God for his glory. And it is God who establishes us with you in Christ, and has anointed us,, and who has also put his seal on us and given us his Spirit in our hearts as a guarantee.” — 2 Corinthians 1:19-22

Yesterday’s reading showed Jesus had come, in righteousness, to accomplish all that God had promised by the Law and Prophets. Namely, the rescue of the world from the affects of sin—to bring shalom. Paul, then, echoes this fulfillment-power of Jesus by saying in Christ all of God’s promises are YES. Even when darkness abounds, in Christ, God at work to accomplish his promise.

Paul, then, highlights 4 things the Father accomplishes through the Word made flesh.

1.     He establishes us with you — God makes a new humanity with a new family identity. We are now the community of God. Our lives and ministry intersect. We are now, in all our uniqueness and brokenness, gifted by God to one another!

2.     He anoints us — Anointing in the Bible typically symbolized one of two things: a) a person being appointed to a divine task/role; or b) a person being brought before God for healing. Whether Paul is directly speaking of his anointing as an apostle, or of our “anointing” to the priesthood of all believers, a fundamental truth underlying either is that the object of God’s anointing is deeply loved and imbued with purpose!

3.     He seals us — Durning baptisms the priest puts the sign of the cross on the newly baptized persons’ forehead saying “you are marked as Christ’s own”. This is a signet of love. In Christ, we are God’s beloved. We are children of the one, true King; and he deeply loves you—the unrepeatable, uniqueness that you are.

4.     He gives us his Spirit — The Spirit is specifically a guarantee of God fulfilling his word/promise through the Word made flesh. The Spirit also empowers us to live into the righteousness of Christ as God’s agents in this world.

- Luke Kunefke


1)     Consider the fact that you are loved by God. In what ways do you feel loved by God?

2)     In what ways do you live out of your being loved by God?

For Families:
*How do you know that someone loves you?  What kind of things do you do with a person you love?  God is the perfect gift-giver, and more often, we call these gifts blessings.  What gifts or blessings in your life help you know that God loves you?

** Father, you care for us so much that you have freed us, loved us, marked us as your own, and given us the power of your Holy Spirit through Jesus work on the cross.  How can we help but rejoice in these great blessings!  Thank you for your love; we love you!  Amen.