Week 7 - The Eucharist

Begin with silence and prayer
5 min

Gather together as a LifeGroup, as a family or find time alone in a comfortable setting (around a table, on the couch, the floor of the living room, etc.). Invite the Holy Spirit to lead and guide your time. Then spend a few minutes in silence. 

Why silence, even while together? Because we live in a busy, noisy world, under a non-stop assault of distraction. In the midst of all the chaos, it’s hard at times to hear the voice of God, and that of our brothers and sisters. As we gather together as a family, we want to hear what the Father is saying to and through each of us, and respond in turn. A great way to do that is to begin each time with silence and prayer.

Discuss last week’s Practice (15-20 minutes)
If you are in a LifeGroup of seven or more, divide into small groups of 3–4 people each (ideally the same gender). 

Have a conversation around the following questions:

  1. Did you listen to this week’s sermon, The Eucharist? What did you think?

  2. What do you think every Sunday when you take communion?

  3. How did the sermon challenge or encourage you and the way you approach communion and why we partake in that meal?

Open the Bible together
15-20 min

Have somebody read 1 Corinthians 11:17-34

Discuss the following questions:

1. What is Paul addressing at the beginning of this passage and how is that impactful on the Lord’s Supper?

2. Why is it important to partake in the Lord’s Supper? What is the significance and meaning of doing so?

3. What is the gravity of our posture as we take the Lord’s Supper?

4. How do these questions shape our view of communion on Sunday mornings?

5. How does this connect with our study of Radical Ordinary Hospitality?

Being a person of hospitality

During the course of this study, we have covered a lot of ground regarding Radical Ordinary Hospitality. we have looked at the meaning of hospitality, the art of neighboring and what it means to be the family of God. We have also pressed into the way God has shown us radical hospitality. We see in God’s hospitality to us, the model, the method, and the manner in which God has loved us unconditionally and the way Jesus gave his life for us. It is in the life of Jesus that we see the way we are to be radically, ordinarily, hospitable to those God has placed in our life.

With all of these things in my and working in our hearts, let’s look back and reflect on what God has done and where he has brought us.

  1. How has your understanding of hospitality and your role and call to be hospitable been impacted by this series?

  2. How do we see God’s hospitality towards us? What does that mean to you? How does that make you feel?

  3. What does that tell you about God and his heart for people?

  4. Who are some of the people God has placed on your heart and how do you feel God is calling you and urging you to reach out to them?

  5. What was the impact on your relationship with the Lord and with others in your life?

Close in prayer
5-10 min

Share prayer requests and pray for the people God has placed on your heart. Pray for a specific way to live into this call for radical ordinary hospitality.