Week 1 - Radical Ordinary Hospitality

Read this overview 

As a community following Jesus, we are learning to apprentice ourselves to him and taking up his way of life which means we have three goals — to be with Jesus, to become like Jesus and to do the kinds of things Jesus did. So every few months we take on a practice of Jesus.  Our spring practice of silence and solitude focused on that first goal, being with Jesus, and this next practice leans into that last goal - doing what Jesus did.

Begin with silence and prayer
5 min

Gather together as a LifeGroup, as a family or find time alone in a comfortable setting (around a table, on the couch, the floor of the living room, etc.). Invite the Holy Spirit to lead and guide your time. Then spend a few minutes in silence. 

Why silence, even while together? Because we live in a busy, noisy world, under a non-stop assault of distraction. In the midst of all the chaos, it’s hard at times to hear the voice of God, and that of our brothers and sisters. As we gather together as a family, we want to hear what the Father is saying to and through each of us, and respond in turn. A great way to do that is to begin each time with silence and prayer.

Reflection on Sunday’s Sermon
15-20 min

If you are in a LifeGroup of 10 or more, divide into small groups of 5 – 7 people each (ideally the same gender). Spend a few minutes catching up on life. Then talk about the following debrief questions:

1. What thoughts or reflections do you have about the sermon?

2. What does it mean for hospitality to be both radical and ordinary?

3. Were there any specific things you heard from God regarding hospitality?

Our Practice for the coming week is incredibly simple: follow Jesus’ example of eating and drinking with somebody who has yet to experience the Father’s welcome. And the beauty of this Practice is that anybody can do it. All it takes is a table. 

Open the Bible together
15-20 min

Have somebody read Luke 7:36-50.

Discuss the following questions:

1. What is the setting for what happens? Who is there?

2. What is so upsetting to the host?

3. How does the treatment of Jesus by the woman compare to his treatment by the host? What is Jesus getting at by highlighting this?

4. What does this reveal about Jesus’ heart and his practice of hospitality?

Read over this coming week’s Practice before you call it a night (10 minutes)

Here’s the Practice for the coming week:

Exercise #1: Listening Prayer  

  • (If you can, get somewhere quiet for this one. If you are not able to, that’s ok.)

  • Invite the Holy Spirit to give shape to your imagination. Ask him to bring a name or face to mind for you to share a meal within the coming week(s).

  • Contact that person and invite them to share a meal with you.

Exercise #2: Share a Meal with Somebody

  • This next part is pretty straightforward – eat and drink with somebody!

  • Ideally, open your home or apartment. If that doesn’t work, invite them to a third space (a restaurant, café, etc.)

  • This might be a great time to learn how to cook a few good meals. A quick search of the internet will yield loads of easy-to-prepare, super delicious meals.

  • As you host the meal, think of creative ways to express the love and welcome of Jesus toward your guest.

  • During your time together, ask questions, listen and don’t be afraid to share meaningful conversation. At the same time, view small talk as a form of hospitality, of creating room for the guest. Just focus on loving them, not on“selling them” on Jesus.

  • Pray (internally) for your guests before, during, and after your meal. Whatever you want to see God do in their life, pray into that.

Work through these discussion questions (10-15 minutes) 

  1. Any thoughts, creative ideas, or feedback on this coming week’s Practice?

  2. Is there anybody in your life who immediately comes to mind that you want to share a meal with?

Close in prayer
5-10 min

Share prayer requests and pray for the people that we will invite to share a meal and for God to continue to reveal people for us to show radical ordinary hospitality to.